Understanding UAE’s laws on Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances 

Posted On - 3 January, 2025 • By - Asif Rashid Abdul

The UAE has always adopted a zero-tolerance policy for the recreational use and trafficking of drugs. As a regional hub for trade, tourism, and expatriates, the UAE has developed a robust legal framework to combat drug-related crimes and ensure health and safety. 

The Federal Law Decree No. 30 of 2021 on combatting Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances is the legislation that deals with illegal production, import, export, transport, buying, selling, possessing, or storing of drugs or similar substances. As per this law, usage of any type of drugs for recreational purposes is banned and is punishable. This federal Law was implemented on the 16th of September 2021, abrogating the existing Federal Law No. 14 of 1995.  

The list of permissible and restricted drugs includes any Narcotics and Psychotropic substances, or their derivatives or combinations, or in any other form as they may be found. These lists are attached as Schedules to the Federal Law. This law also provides for establishing a board called the Narcotics Control Boards in charge for developing a strategy for combatting such usage and related crimes. The Ministry of Health and Community Protection shall be responsible for coordinating various units established under this law. 

Definitions as per the Law:  

  • Import: Entry of Narcotics or Psychotropic Substances into the territory of the State in violation of the provisions regulating their import stipulated in this Decree-Law. 
  • Export: Transfer of Narcotics or Psychotropic Substances from the territory of the State in violation of the provisions regulating their export stipulated in this Decree-Law. 
  • Bringing in: Entering or introducing Narcotics or Psychotropic Substances, personally or through third parties, into the territory of the State by any means. Whoever has not been licensed to import these substances in accordance with the provisions of the Law shall be considered as a procurer thereof. 
  • Transport: The transfer of Narcotics or Psychotropic Substances within the territory of the State, from one place to another, or by way of transit in violation of the provisions regulating their transportation stipulated in this Decree-Law. 
  • Promotion: Circulation or distribution of Narcotics, Psychotropic Substances, or any substances or plants that may cause sedation or mental harm to a number of persons without discrimination. 
  • Production: Separation of Narcotics or Psychotropic Substances from their plant origins. 
  • Manufacture: All non-productive processes by which Narcotics or Psychotropic Substances may be obtained, and includes refining and extraction, as well as the transformation of a Narcotic into another Narcotic, and Psychotropic Substances into other Psychotropic Substances. The term also includes the making of preparations other than those made on prescription in pharmacies. 

Recent Amendments: 

Article 4 of the Federal Law was amended by Federal Law No. 53 of 2023, which established the procedures for amending the Schedules that list controlled substances. Under this amendment, Schedules 1, 2, 4, and 5 may only be modified by additions, subject to approval by the Ministry. Schedules 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9 may be amended through the addition, deletion, or alteration of quantities, as appropriate. 

Two years ago, by virtue of an amendment to the law, a provision for rehabilitation for first-time drug offenders was included. The penalties have been listed according to the number of times the offence has been committed. 

Possession, Import, Export or Manufacture: 

Article 10 – 16 deals with various provisions that prohibit any kind of dealing of narcotic, psychotropic substances or plants producing them. 

Any import, export, transport, production, manufacture, possession or acquisition of any narcotic/psychotropic substances (Art.10), or any plant varieties (Art. 14) are prohibited. 

Exception: Controlled medical use and scientific research are permitted with the authorization from the Ministry of Health and Community Protection and other concerned authorities. Similarly, for plant varieties, Ministry of Climate Change and Environment may issue licenses for government agencies and recognized scientific institutes to grow prohibited plants for research purposes, subject to conditions and in coordination with the Minister of Interior. Importation of these plants may also be permitted under specific provisions. 

Article 12 prevents the abuse of any such substances except for medical treatments prescribed. This extends to any substance or plant that causes sedation or mental harm if used with intent to cause such harm. 

If any such possession of substance is authorized as mentioned above, the weight variations must conform to those stated in established pharmacopoeia. If found to be exceeding the limits, he/she shall be punished for a period not exceeding 1 year and/or not less than 200,000 AED. 

Any import, export, transport, production, manufacture, possession or acquisition of any narcotic/psychotropic substances (Art.10), or any plant varieties (Art. 14) is punishable as per Schedule 10 - Annexed to Federal Law. 

Trafficking and Promotion: 

A penalty of imprisonment imposed on whoever possesses or acquires with the intent of trading or promoting any substance or plant. (Art. 56)  

Death Penalty shall be imposed if crime is committed with the intent of trafficking or promotion, or if the convict belongs to a hostile group or organized gang or works for its benefit. (Art. 57) 

Penalties under the Law: 

The Penalties and Provisional Measures and Procedures are dealt with under Articles 41 to 85 (Book-4) of the Federal Law. These are divided into three chapters: 

  • Chapter 1 – Principal Penalties (Art. 41 to 69) 
  • Chapter 2 – Accessory and Complementary Penalties (Art.70 to 75) 
  • Chapter 3 – Provisional Measures and Procedures (Art. 76 to 85) 

Article 41: – Imprisonment for a term not less than 3 months or by a fine not less than 20,000 AED and not more than 100,000 AED on whoever abuses, or personally uses, any of the narcotic or psychotropic drugs mentioned in the Schedules 1,2 and 5, in an unauthorized manner. If he/she commits a repeated offense within 3 years of the first, shall be imprisoned for at least six months or a fine between 30,000 AED to 100,000 AED will be imposed. If found to be committing the offense for a third time or more, shall be imprisoned for at least two years and a fine of at least 100,000 AED will be imposed.  

Article 42 specifies the penalty for abuse or personal use, in cases other than those authorized, of cannabis, cannabis extracts and dyes, or any cannabis plant with all its names, such as hashish, marijuana, violin, banjo, or other names given to it, which are the substances excluded by Article 41. Articles 42 and 43 also impose strict penalties for individuals who abuse or personally use narcotics or psychotropic substances and plants unauthorizedly. Repeated offenses within specific periods lead to stricter punishments, including imprisonment and fines.  

The Court may also order confinement of convict to one of the treatment or rehabilitation centres instead of imposing penalties, upon submission of a report on his/her condition to the court. 

Induce/Incite another to commit any crimes mentioned above, is also punishable for a term of less than 5 years and fine not less than 50,000 AED. 

Foreign Offenders /Offenders who are not nationals or a legal resident (Article 42 bis): This was introduced in the latest amendment of 2023 and deals with offenders who are not a national or a legal resident of the UAE. While entering the State through any land, air, or seaports, if they are found to be in possession of any such substances and with the intention of abuse or personal use, they shall be punished by a fine of not less than 5,000 AED to 1,000,000 AED. 

Deportation of Foreigners (art. 75): Court shall deport a foreigner who has been convicted of any crime as stipulated under the Law. Deportation shall be mandatory if convicted of one of the crimes of abuse, personal use, possession, or acquisition with intent to abuse. Public prosecution may at its own discretion, order to deport foreigner whom court did not order to deport: – in crimes where it is considered mandatory as mentioned above, and within 3 months as of the date of issuance of the final ruling. 

Refraining from giving examination sample (Art 63): shall be punished to imprisonment for a term not less than two years and a fine not less than one hundred thousand dirhams. 

In case of previous convicts more than once, the court, in addition to prescribed penalty, may order for any one of the following: Restriction of domicile to a particular place, Prohibition of residence in a particular place, Obligation to reside in the home country, Prohibition of frequenting particular places or locations, Deprivation of the right to practice a particular occupation or craft, Commitment to one of the rehabilitation programs when convicted of a crime of abuse or personal use. 

Article 57:  Any import, export, transport, production, manufacture, possession or acquisition of any narcotic/psychotropic substances (Art.10), or any plant varieties (Art. 14) is punishable as per Schedule 10 - Annexed to Federal Law – quantity and penalties related to each substance: 

Group  Narcotic and Psychotropic Substance subject of the crime  Item  Weight/Number  Penalty 
Narcotics and psychotropic substances provided in Schedules 1, 2, 4 (Part I) and 5 attached to Federal Decree-Law No. 30/2021 Less than 20 grams  The perpetrator shall be sentenced to imprisonment and a fine not less than one hundred thousand dirhams. If the crime is committed with the intent of personal use or abuse, the perpetrator shall be punished, as the case may be, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 41 and 42 of Federal Decree-Law No. 30/2021
From 20 to 100 grams  The perpetrator shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not less than ten years and a fine not less than one hundred thousand dirhams. 
More than 100 grams  The perpetrator shall be sentenced to life imprisonment and a fine not less than five hundred thousand dirhams. 
Plants listed in Schedule 4 (Part II) attached to Federal Decree-Law No. 30/2021 Less than 5 plants  The perpetrator shall be sentenced to imprisonment and a fine not less than one hundred thousand dirhams. If the crime is committed with the intent of personal use or abuse, the perpetrator shall be punished, as the case may be, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 41 and 42 of Federal Decree-Law No. 30/2021
From 5 to 15 plants  The perpetrator shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not less than ten years and a fine not less than one hundred thousand dirhams. 
More than 15 plants  The perpetrator shall be sentenced to life imprisonment and a fine not less than five hundred thousand dirhams. 
Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances provided in Schedules 3, 6, 7 and 8 attached to Federal Decree-Law No. 30/2021  Less than 150 grams  The perpetrator shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not less than two years and a fine not less than one hundred thousand dirhams. If the crime was committed with the intent of abuse or personal use, the perpetrator shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 43 of Federal Decree-Law No. 30/2021
From 150 to 1000 grams  The perpetrator shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not less than seven years and not exceeding ten years and a fine not less than two hundred thousand dirhams. 
More than 1000 grams  The perpetrator shall be sentenced to life imprisonment and a fine not less than two hundred thousand dirhams. 

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